Forward Equine is thrilled to offer gastroscopy, the only way to know if your horse has ulcers!

Gastroscopy is the use of a long (3m, or 10 feet) flexible scope, or a tube with a camera on the end, to look directly at the inside of your horse's stomach. This is the only true way to diagnose ulcers and can be readily done under sedation right where your horse lives. In addition to seeing stomach ulcers, other causes of poor performance or general GI upset that you can identify with gastroscopy include abnormal thickening in the stomach, gastric impactions, delayed emptying of the stomach, or even growths or masses. If you are concerned your horse may have ulcers, or have other concerns regarding their overall intestinal tract and digestive health, contact us today to schedule gastroscopy for your horse!

Normal, healthy stomach

Normal, healthy stomach

Clinical signs of ulcers include but are not limited to:
● Poor appetite
● Dullness
● Attitude changes
● Decreased performance
● Reluctance to train
● Poor body condition
● Poor hair coat
● Weight loss
● Excessive time spent lying down
● Low-grade colic
● Loose feces
● Girthiness or general poor attitude with tacking up

To learn more about how gastroscopy can help your horse, contact us today.

REstoring Soundness ~ Perfecting Performance