Forward Equine is proud to provide unparalleled equine sports medicine and rehabilitation care to our patients while providing our clients extraordinary service and communication. Our team focuses on giving your horse highly individualized care, from the diagnostic process through administering treatments. We aim to provide practical solutions to your horse’s performance needs, offering you options that are the best fit for both you and your horse.

We additionally are a progressive practice and make a point to stay current with the latest developments in therapies and technologies. We offer a variety of state-of-the-art treatments, have updated imaging equipment, and are able to bring all of this right to your horse.

We provide care to eastern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. Whatever your goals for your horse, the team at Forward Equine are dedicated to helping you reach them.

If you have any questions about how we can care for your horse or if we serve your area, please don’t hesitate to call us at (920) 851-3545. Thank you!