Here at Forward Equine, we are proud to offer equine digital radiology and digital ultrasound.

Our practice is dedicated to staying up to date with the newest advances in veterinary medicine. We strive to diagnose and treat your horse the most efficient and least-invasive way possible.

For this reason, we use digital imaging on site, including radiology, or x-rays, and ultrasound. Using digital systems allows us to get high quality images quickly and efficiently.

When it comes to digital radiology, your horse’s digital images are ready almost instantly for us to view. Also, instead of taking film after film to adjust the settings, we can simply adjust the contrast on the computer. This means that we can take fewer films and not expose your horse to as much radiation.

In terms of digital ultrasound, we are able to obtain high quality images and videos of soft tissue structures such as tendons and ligaments. This is a great way to monitor how these structures are healing over time. Additionally, there are advanced procedures such as treating the sacroiliac joint or cervical facets, that require ultrasound guidance. Forward Equine is happy to perform these at your facility with our mobile, digital equipment.

Don’t hesitate to contact us at (920) 851-3545 if you have any questions about seeing what is going on inside your horse or would like to schedule a consultation.

REstoring Soundness ~ Perfecting Performance