Here at Forward Equine, lameness exams are where we excel day in and day out.

We are focused on helping you and your horse achieve your maximum potential. Lameness is one of the more common and frustrating setbacks riders encounter.

With a lameness examination, our aim is to first determine where the pain is coming from and then narrow down our focus to what exactly is the problem. Only then can we determine the best treatment plan for your horse. The lameness examination is a combination of looking at your horse standing still and in motion. A simple lameness exam can usually be completed in 1-2 hours, but in some cases we need several hours or repeat appointments to get the whole story.

We first study the legs for swelling, abnormal hoof wear, or anything else out of the ordinary. We palpate all of the joints, tendons, and ligaments to try to feel for anything abnormal that may be making your horse lame. We use a hoof tester to see if the hoof is tender anywhere.

We will watch your horse move, preferably at a variety of gaits. Depending on the subtlety of the lameness and your horse’s level of training, this may be done in hand or we may want to see your horse be lunged. In some cases, we will also observe you riding your horse. Flexion tests, in which pressure is put on different joints, may be used to help determine where sources of discomfort are.

Diagnostic blocks, in which nerves and/or joints are numbed, are used to confirm exactly where the problem is. By desensitizing different areas and seeing how this changes the horse’s movement, we are able to pinpoint the location of the lameness.

Once we have a localized area, we usually recommend diagnostic imaging to determine what the problem is. X-rays, or radiographs, let us see the bones and joints. Ultrasound is used to evaluate tendons, ligaments, or other soft tissue structures. In some cases, we need to use both radiographs and ultrasound to get a complete story of what is going on.

Once we have a diagnosis, we are then able to sit down with you to develop the treatment plan that best suits the specific problem, your needs, and your horse’s needs.

If your horse is lame and needs an examination, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (920) 851-3545.

REstoring Soundness ~ Perfecting Performance